Disability Services

Well, spring break is here and I’ve accomplished my biggest goal for the week – navigating the world of campus disability services, and successfully at that.

Yesterday was my initial ‘assessment’ interview with the McBurney Center on campus. I’ve never had to get special accommodations for myself before… and come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I really needed to use those kinds of things. Yay spiraling downward in the past year. But I digress.

I didn’t know exactly what to expect, and was very nervous about my interview. I knew I was going to get emotional, but kind of did at a random moment, talking about my support system and how wonderfully helpful the boyfriend is… It was really informal though and by the end of our meeting we were already getting official paperwork underway. Today, I went in and finished up the paperwork – and picked up my elevator keys for the building I most often have classes in. Why in the world you have a building where elevators aren’t accessible from floors 2-5 without a key is just beyond me.

I also have more flexibility in class attendance now… not that I want to utilize it, but I also don’t want to fail classes because of a very real and painful situation either. So there.

In other news, I have a Bucks game to attend on Friday with the boyfriend – pretty much court side seats. That’s my big present for us from my tax return. Mmmm Bucks.

I got to spend some time with my family today, and it made me realize how much I miss being able to be silly with my sister. She is such a big help for me, and not having her around all the time just makes me appreciate her more.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gradually sipping some juice in bed. Tomorrow, off to sleep, laundry, and hotel work on spring’s great drinking holiday!