Medical Monday: how to file a grievance with a health care provider or system

So much can go wrong when we’re interacting with anything involving our health. Doctors and health care systems are, sadly, not immune from making mistakes. This is something that we chronic patients have to understand in order to be fully engaged in our care.

Perhaps you went in with an abscess that a doctor saw as a pimple and laughed like like I have.

Perhaps you’ve shown up in an office green and obviously ill only to be dismissed.

We’ve all likely been there. It’s enough to leave you sick but now you’re upset with your care and your concerns are not being heard.

What do you do?

One thing that some people feel comfortable with would be to speak with another member of the staff where you receive care. Perhaps the doctor was the offender so you might want to talk to his nurse, or vice versa. You might even speak to the clinic manager, which is kind of like the head nurse in some systems, or the head doctor or dyad.

Another idea is to contact someone else in charge of clinic operations. There is often someone who works more of a 9-5 that helps coordinate maintenance and such, but can hear complaints as well. You can sometimes find this information, though it isn’t always readily available.

You can definitely go through patient relations. Depending on the size of the system you’re involved with, this could take a while if the offense isn’t super huge and egregious. There are sadly some systems that don’t necessarily care as much about one patient’s experience and so may not be helpful with this route.

One of the more popular things to do, though, is to contact the health care system via social media. This often gets a faster response even in slower systems because you’ve now made the complaint public. By doing that, you put pressure on the system to acknowledge the issue and work with you.

This route isn’t for the shy or reserved. Unfortunately it can take a bit of back and forth to really get help even here. However, as I said, the system is then under pressure to perform.

This can be true for insurance companies as well as we see here with Anna, fellow SJIA fighter and all around awesome person, trying to get access to Orencia.

The bottom line is that, in order to have your complaint heard and acted on, you have to be loud and assertive enough to do so.

Not sure that’s your thing? It might be worth analyzing why you think that. If it’s because you don’t feel you’re worth the fuss, please do yourself a huge favor and read up on self-care and self-love.


Self-Care Sunday: eating well with illness

It seems like every few weeks I get this thing where I can’t really eat. I just have no appetite. The first time this happened I was six… and lost a lot of weight in the middle of already being tremendously sick at the time.

You could see my bones. It was bad.

The most recent event happened to coincide with starting kineret and getting back from the JA conference. I’m not sure if it was from starting the drug, the traveling, or just because I hadn’t been on meds for a while. My guess would be the latter because my theory is that I get swelling somewhere in my digestive system because I often feel bloated too.

Next time this happens I’ll definitely pop off to the doctor.

But in the meantime, how was I supposed to eat and get any energy? I stopped by Whole Foods and took a gander, finding Probar Base. I already had peanut butter (and have since switched to a healthier PB – Peanut Butter & Co’s Smooth Operator) so I figured I should try it.

This dairy free meal wound up being over 40 grams of protein which was great!

Living in Wisconsin, being dairy free is a little more than awkward. I’ve decided that I’ll do minor dairy but try to do so at home… mostly because I have a lactose intolerance and it sucks. I’ve found I can tolerate dairy up to a certain point – or more, depending on the brand. There’s a local farm that we get our dairy from and I’ve never had a problem with it.

I wasn’t a huge fan of that shake, so I’ve switched to rice milk with my coffee instead.

When I can’t eat a lot, I try to make sure that I get a good amount of protein so I can fuel my body. I tend to supplement with things that I love to eat but don’t always let myself eat then – potatoes, lots of sweets, etc. Getting enough calories means more energy – and hopefully not falling asleep at work!

What are some things you do to make sure you eat well even when you aren’t feeling the best?


Terminology Tuesday: chronic fatigue syndrome

Before we get to what CFS is, let’s make sure we all know the names it goes by: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), Post-Viral Fatigue Syndrome (PVFS), Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS), and Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disese (SEID). You may see it called CFS/ME too.

There isn’t a test to diagnose this, nor is there a known cause (except for PVFS kinda). Basically your doc has to rule out other things like sleep disorders, other autoimmune/autoinflammatory diseases, and some mental health illnesses (mostly because they think everyone is crazy).

Symptoms include fatigue (NO WAY), difficulty with memory, having a hard time focusing, sore throat, muscle pain, joint pain, headache, swollen lymph nodes, sleeplessness or sleep that isn’t restful, and extreme exhaustion or fatigue from doing something physical.

You can treat some parts of the disease, like using sleeping pills to try getting more restful sleep and pacing yourself during activity. Some people even work out with a trainer to keep themselves active but not overdoing it.


Terminology Tuesday: adverse event

Have you ever been reading material about or listening to an ad for a drug for your disease and wondered what ‘adverse event’ even means?

You’ve come to the right place!

This one is really simple. An adverse event is just a fancy term for when someone experiences something negative from a medication or product that you wouldn’t want to have happen. So, really, it’s a side effect without the larger number of patients affected.

An adverse event is considered serious when things like disability, hospitalization, something life-threatening, or death occurs. They also generally count birth defects if the mother was taking the drug or using the product while pregnant.

If you ever have a serious adverse event, obviously get help. That’s the first thing. Then you and/or your doctor can report the event to the FDA.

I’m sure you could also unofficially bring up difficulties during MedX (Sept 24-27) and the struggles to get your HCPs to hear you! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Munchie Mondays: how to get enough protein

One of the tough things that those of us with chronic illness often get into is dealing with eating issues. We don’t always eat well, whether that’s the quality or the amount of the food we take in.

Personally I seem to go through periods of time where my body says nope and won’t really eat much. This poses a problem, especially with me being overweight, since my metabolism doesn’t move then and my body holds on to the fat I do take in during the day…

Yup. Not eating makes you fatter.


One way I’ve encountered that is to eat stuff with high protein and a good amount of nutrients – protein bars.

A probar with peanut butter? Holy cow!

Except not, since it’s all dairy free.

I wind up with about half of the protein I need for the day with this combo which is great.

Until I found this combo, Larabars and Luna bars were my go to. They’re still good, but Luna tends to have a little more dairy than my body is being able to handle lately, so they just can’t be my every day bar right now. Larabars aren’t as filling as this probar is.

Others find that soy based products are good for them. It seems like my body isn’t in favor of those right now which, combined with my gluten issues, will be a big reason why I won’t go vegan… Well, that and I love pork too much.

Nuts and other foods can be helpful but, yet again, my body seems to have issues with these on their own. In the Larabars, I can do nuts, but they’re also not the nuts I would go for on their own. I’m not a big date eater.

I try to make sure that I eat lean proteins – fish, shrimp, chicken – when I can.

What are some ways you make sure you get enough protein?

Does your mind need brain protein? Some interesting things to ruminate over? Then join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Mental Health and Arthritis #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. On Sunday I’ll be participating in an Out of the Darkness Walk with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention in honor of those with autoimmune arthritis and autoinflammatory diseases that we’ve lost in recent years to depression and mental illnesses.


One of the biggest reasons I have this tattoo on my wrist is to remind me to believe in many things – that remission is possible, that I’m worth the effort of self-care and self-love, that I’m enough… and that this pain we go through is worth it.

When things are their worst, it isn’t always possible to remember that.

Recently RA Guy and the great people over at Joint Decisions put on a webinar about mental health and arthritis. Several things stuck with me, especially the fact that you’re twice as likely to have depression when you have RA as someone who is normal.

The stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance – are things that those with chronic illness tend to experience in a cyclical rather than linear manner. Maybe today I’m angry about being sick and tomorrow I’m fine with it and the next day I bargain with an unseen Arthur to knock it off.

RA Guy talked about things that he’s found helpful like humor, breaking down tasks, asking for help and being open to accepting it, positive or motivational thinking, etc. The biggest thing that he touched on that really resonated with me was to allow yourself to process and feel. I think we often try to ignore the sadness or other emotions (like in Inside Out) to be happy all the time.

When the shit hits the fan, we really need to work on savoring the good we experience, connecting with resources, practicing self-compassion/love/care, and, perhaps most importantly, advocating for ourselves. It’s easy to let others make decisions, especially about your care, if you’re depressed or dealing with some tough subjects. Just don’t forget to add in your voice and speak up for what you want. It can help you feel better about yourself.

Another thing that was good to be reminded of is how important our emotional and mental health is. These things are just as important as physical health, so please remember to take time and address issues you have in all areas.

A few times, RA Guy and the doctors on the webinar remembered to hammer home the idea that you have to feel comfortable bringing up these issues with your doctor. If you don’t, you have to figure out how to get to that point, even if it means changing your health care team members. You have to be able to be open with all your providers and make sure they know about your health issues, physical or mental.

Other tips from this webinar were to be adaptable, write or blog, practice mindfulness, remember you can’t change others, get realistic with your daily goals, and to become educated about your disease.

These changes won’t make things perfect. Life still might suck a lot. But a change in how you handle yourself, no matter how small, can really help and have an effect on many other parts of your life. As RA Guy said, “I’m prepared to deal with how I’ll feel tomorrow.” Maybe that’ll mean you feel like crap physically or mentally – but if that happens, you can open up your toolbox full of tips.

On a more personal note, I want to share a story about my struggle with mental health issues.

Depression isn’t the same as being sad, but is more the absence of happiness and enjoyment. It’s when things that you love and enjoy and are passionate about no longer bring you joy. You think irrationally, only realizing it if you have to explain things to someone else.

Three years ago I was *finally* diagnosed with fibromyalgia, though I’d likely been dealing with it for most of my life. I had recently started seeing a therapist after having to call a hotline because I was on the brink of self-harm or worse. I was missing more and more work as a result of my pain and was on the brink of losing my job and, this combined with continued emotional abuse from my mother, other illness issues, and having to stop graduate school… I became very depressed, both from the pain and the feeling of not being in control of my life and my destiny. More than once, I thought about crashing T’s car into a pole or something. If I didn’t die, I’d wind up in the hospital and at least get some relief from pain medications. I look back on that time now and wish that I had spoken up or made changes sooner.

For the first time in a long time, my pain from my SJIA and my fibro are both, mostly, under control. It took me three years, trial and error with different medications, and making major changes in my life to get to now – literally.

If you know someone who struggles with depression know that, while you can’t directly help their illness, you can be supportive of that amazing person. One of the things that has helped me the most is knowing that T and I have similar struggles with our mental health. Because of that, he and I are very good at helping each other, which can be as simple as snuggling or as involved as calling the other’s therapist to warn them when things aren’t going well.

Regardless of whatever else you do today, give someone a hug. Tell someone you care about them or love them. Ask how they’re doing, not as a formality but because you really want to know the answer.

You know where else you can find more talk on mental health with chronic illness? At MedX! I hope that you’ll join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Terminology Tuesday: brain fog

While brain fog is a term that a lot of health care practitioners will kind of understand, it isn’t necessarily a diagnosis in and of itself. It’s a symptom for many diseases, including many autoinflammatory and autoimmune disease.

For those of you who’ve never experienced brain fog, I’ll try to define it in ways that can make sense for you. Imagine that you’ve been out of work for a week with the flu. It’s your first day back and you’re already exhausted and not focused, but then you hit that slump time of day when you normally might reach for a soda or go for a walk. Your brain stops processing things. The focus issue gets worse and worse. You can’t find words you’re looking for in your head or, if you do, you can’t actually speak them. You have the inability to access memory so you’ll go put your coffee in the microwave and two hours later realize you left it there.

And that happens just almost every day for many of us.

It sucks.

What sucks even more is that there isn’t really much to do except to treat the underlying cause of the condition and, if needed and possible, the symptoms. You may see a chronic illness patient on an ADHD medication because it helps them focus and helps with a lack of energy for example. That doesn’t completely kill the brain fog though.

For those of you living with brain fog, what are some ways you deal with it?

To combat brain fog, write yourself notes to join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Medical Monday: link roundup

There are SO MANY new things to tell you about and links to share.

Shout out to the younger adults dealing with chronic illness and pain! Here are 15 things no one tells you about chronic pain as a 20-something. #7 is my favorite because bunnies, duh. And navigating college while sick? UGH.

And as a woman? It sucks.

Oh hey, and juvenile arthritis is getting more and more defined. Speaking of JA, did you know Miss Teen Minnesota has it? And so does Miss Tennessee! And did you hear about this uveitis fighter in the UK? Have you seen this letter to healthy people?

Here are 17 things only people with autoimmune diseases understand (I’d add most chronic illness, especially as SJIA/Still’s is autoinflammatory). I love #4 though. I would apply that same caveat to 29 things only someone with RA would understand. And hey, while you’re at it, check out the results from the Early Symptoms of Autoimmune Arthritis study and AARDA’s recent study on fatigue.

Speaking of autoimmune illnesses, have you ever wondered why the majority of sufferers tend to be women? It may be because women’s immune system genes operate differently than men’s.

Having an invisible illness sucks because people can be really mean, doing things like calling us lazy without knowing what we’ve been going through. And even when they aren’t, we often don’t feel like we can answer simple questions like “how are you?” because of what we need to say. Sometimes even doctors don’t believe we’re sick. Here are some of the other things we’re tired of hearing or dealing with… including that old saying, “We’re all patients.”

And that’s on top of dealing with things likes morning stiffness (check out these tips to ease it) and driving three hours to the rheumatologist. We grieve past versions of ourselves and have to throw out our fancy things in exchange for things that are more easily used.

Let’s talk a little bit about disability services and issues, like why the ADA is beautiful… or the slightly more scary ways to protect yourself. We can also see the very real effect the ADA has on lives all over.

On a similar note, Congress recently passed a bill requiring hospitals to disclose when the patient hasn’t been admitted but instead is under observation. This change could save patients TONS of money.

I met with my dietitian the other day and ugh. I need to start getting more into exercise but I’m not sure where to start, because I constantly get too excited and overdo it. Maybe I need to look at these questions and do some soul searching.

If you’re heading to the emergency room and have chronic pain, take a look at these awesome pointers. I usually do Urgent Care over the ER since we live right by a UC spot, but I think this can still apply there. We’re often treated like drug addicts, so watch out for that too.

A lot of people in health care need reminders about how harmful slurs and putdowns are.

Part of the stigma associated with mental illness is that things like depression make you this black hole of a person. In reality, you’re still you, but just dealing with really heavy things. I’ve had other patient advocates sadly call me out about how I can still do great things despite depression, as if I’m maybe not depressed. THIS is how.

Anxiety is also a biggie for those of us with physical illnesses.

Love someone dealing with a mental illness? Check out these ways to be an ally. You may also want to share the free Crisis Text Line with them too. If your loved one deals with PTSD, check out this post.

Interested in more sciencey stuff on mental illness? Check out this study on the role the brain plays in stress-induced anxiety.

Bottom line? We HAVE to change how we talk about mental illness. And being positive all the time isn’t going to help.

Do you talk to yourself a lot? You’re a genius! No, seriously!

In drug news, there could soon be a drug that targets cells directly responsible for cartilage damage! There is also research going on into biofilms and their role in lupus. New rare disease treatments should be coming down the pipeline too, though that may take a while. Stem cell treatments for people with MS are hella effective at least three years out.

You may want to take a look at these cool sleep products. The spoon me pillow was practically made for us.

Do you have an MRI coming up? The Malleable Mom recently did and, to be even cooler, she wrote up tips on how to ace yours. Speaking of scans, there’s a new brain scan that can see pain!

Did you see that Cyndi Lauper has psoriasis and is on a biologic? And did you know Elvis would likely now be considered a fibromyalgia patient? Noah Syndergaard of the New York Mets is a very tall starting pitcher and he’s raising awareness of Sjorgren’s Syndrome.

Yelp has long been known to house reviews, but now they’re adding a lot more as far as the healthcare world goes. Patient feedback is critical to change, so don’t stop there! Contact patient services/relations with your local health care group if you’re having a negative or super amazing experience. Get involved in advocacy.

One thing that ends up being a barrier to care is transportation. It can cost a ton and not really be helpful in that the patients end up waiting around forever. In Nairobi, oddly enough, disabled transport is kind of awesome.

If you have a fitbit, check out this RoadID that can fit right onto your wristband!

The FDA just approved the first printed drug. That’s right! You can get a seizure medication printed in 3D! (There’s also this cool smart watch that can detect seizures) Watch out for pharmacy benefit managers!

There’s some pretty cool new biomaterial that may change how we handle crappy bones.

Did you hear that birth control pills can prevent endometrial cancer??

Thanks to electrical stimulators in their spines, some paralyzed patients have begun standing again!

Check out this video and try not to tear up:

Jehovah’s Witnesses are changing medicine. Check it out!

On behalf of the #MedX community, I want to ask you to sign a petition eliminating the restriction of access to prosthetic limbs.

And finally, since you’ve made it through all of this, check out these cute animals and their 3D printed helpers!

Oh and don’t forget to join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Fear of success

I’ve never watched Breaking Bad, but this quote hit home

In the last few weeks, I’ve done incredible things that I couldn’t see myself doing a few short years ago. A lot of them are things that I wanted deep down but couldn’t imagine myself doing… and yet, here I am.

I did have a lot of issues that I had to work on to get here. Timing wasn’t great for working on those things earlier in my life. My depression sucked the life out of me.

I can list a million and one excuses or explanations, but I think a large part of things was a fear of success.

I think that I’ve wanted to play with the big kids but didn’t think I was old enough if that’s a good example.

I’ve been working on self love and care and all that good stuff for a while now. I think that it has helped me to see myself as worthy of love, attention, and being a bigger player in things than I’ve been before. It’s also helped me start school again (though having a million deadlines within the first three days has murdered my sleep).

It’s also helped that I’ve been hand picked to do some things and work on some projects – and go to MedX in a few weeks. I’m excited, but nervous for sure. I’m not entirely sure that I’m prepared for the experience or the aftermath. This new blog on sex and such on CreakyJoints has taken off already and I’ve got some other exciting things coming out soon.

I finally feel like I’m ready. I have no more excuses and I’m not afraid.

Speaking of fear (haha) I hope that you’ll join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up @kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.


Terminology Tuesday: morbidity and comorbidity vs mortality

When I started to really do research into my disease several years ago, I came across the term ‘morbidity.’ It’s a bit of a shocking word, or at least was to me, due to how often it was associated with mortality. I thought for sure that morbidity meant something terrible.

Then I saw comorbidity and freaked out more.

Morbidity really just means the state of being ill due to disease. It can be used to describe a population (“SJIA patients have a higher rate of morbidity and mortality when compared to normal children their age”) or to one person alone (“Kirsten’s morbidity rose throughout college, finally coming to a head her senior year”).

Comorbidity is where two or more illnesses that can cause morbidity exist, like how those with rheumatic diseases often also have fibromyalgia.

Most of us know what mortality means… It is being mortal, being able to die or be killed.

In studies on many rheumatic diseases, morbidity and mortality are often listed together. This can be a way to generalize that the population with a certain disease like SJIA tend to have higher rates of death or disability from their disease or related complications.

Want to learn more medical terms? Join me on my MedX journey Sept 24-27! I’ll be live tweeting the whole time so hit me up@kirstie_schultz, catch the live streams at the Medicine X website, and join in the conversations using the tag #MedX.